
During the many years of diverse work in many different areas, our team has gathered extensive knowledge and experience working in the ICT and social sector. The eWorld Community team has created many different mobile and web projects. The eWorld Community team is proven in its experience to work on ERASMUS+ projects and EVS volunteers. Youth workers from our organization have participated as assistants or trainers on different trainings. Also our members have experience as group leaders in numerous youth exchanges and they can take care for the whole group and create safe-environment for EVS participants. As inevitable part of the team broad international experience and pleasure working in multicultural environment, and the spirit that the team is possessing is inspiration to everyone in its surroundings.


Our existing members have the ability to cover many expertise fields in the ICT such as:
- Development for mobile platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Mobile
- Development for web platforms: Visual Studio 2010, ASP .NET, PHP, HTML/HTML5, CSS, RDF/XML, ColdFusion, Java, MS SharePoint
- Database development: MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL
- System administration: Hosting, Database and E-mail servers. Virtualization, Security and Backup systems. Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, All Microsoft Windows platforms
- Graphic design for creating outstanding user interface software products and maximizing the user experience

Become a member

Our Organization encourages new members to apply and join the Organization by filling out the form and submitting their CV. The Organization will review all applications and respond to the applicants respectively. The new members will benefit from participating in the Organization in the way of upgrading their knowledge and software development skills as well as getting credit for contributing in the social development as part of the Organization program.
